Beverly Fries heads up our Hands of Praise sign-team. This group of young worship leaders practice and learn their songs every other Wednesday after worship is dismissed.
Sunday Service
Service starts with prayer & worship. Sunday School classes are dismissed at 11 am for every age plus a nursery is offered for infants and toddlers. The nursery has a volunteer from 11- noon.
Ministers of Victory Life Church
Bishop Gregory Fries, Pastor
Rev. Craig St. Myers, Assistant Pastor
Rev. Paul PeConge, Associate Pastor
Rev. Ryan Howe, Associate Pastor
Bishop Robert Fries
Ron Peconge, Sunday School Superintendent
Saturday Evening Prayer
We meet at 6:30 pm every Saturday in our Sanctuary for prayer. All are welcome to join in this time of reflection & supplication with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Prayer is an important part of our walk with the Lord. Prayer keeps us grounded and ready for battle with the adversary.
Wednesday Service
Wednesday Service begins at 7:00 pm and is a time for a deeper understanding of God's word.
We may have one message or a series by one of our outstanding ministers.